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Προβολή νέων


UNIMED Newsletter - October 11th, 2023

The dramatic images that arrive from Gaza and Israel draw our attention and demonstrate once again that violence and war are not the solution but part of the problem. In addition the status quo of the occupation of Palestinian territory clearly shows to all of us that the status quo is not anymore possible.

There are many more important interlocutors than us who can and must work for peace between Israel and Palestine and for the entire Middle East. We will continue to commit ourselves, with our modest means and through the dense network of academic and scientific cooperation that we have created over the years, to promote a message of peace and solidarity.

It may seem out of place to talk in this newsletter about the Mediterranean Student Summit, the Global Youth Dialogue with FAO, the upcoming webinar on the Youth Perspectives on Climate Change and our other initiatives. But we are convinced that this is the path to follow: a constant and continuous dialogue, patient and at times exhausting, to lay solid foundations for the future Mediterranean generation.

Our thoughts are with all the victims and their families of this latest painful crisis.